Placement and processing of orders

If you wish to buy product(s) on the website, then you should contact Crawford domestic appliances ltd as we do not take order and payment on this site.

Please contact our shop Crawford domestic appliances ltd for availability and delivery.


If you wish to cancel your order, this will need to be done by 12pm the working day prior to your delivery date (Mon-Fri), or delivery will be made. Any returns after this time will be liable for a collection charge.

You will be informed as soon as possible if for any reason product(s) ordered by you are not available for supply. Where you have already paid for the product(s), you will then be issued with a full refund or an alternative product.


The price of any product(s) will be as quoted on this site from time to time, except in cases of obvious error. These prices include VAT but exclude delivery costs and any other additional services you may have opted for e.g installation, old product disposal etc.
Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders that are the subject of a sale confirmation.

This site contains a large number of product(s) and it is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the product(s) listed may be incorrectly priced. Prices will normally be verified as part of the dispatch procedures so that, where the correct price is less than the stated price, you will be charged the lower amount.

If the correct price is higher than the stated price, you will be contacted for instructions before dispatching the product(s) and you may then cancel your order if you wish. If you do not cancel your order the product(s) will be supplied at the higher price. We are under no obligation to provide product(s) to you at the incorrect (lower) price, even after we have sent you a sale confirmation, if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and could have reasonably been recognised by you as a mispricing.


All payments must be in UK Pounds Sterling.